Friday, October 7, 2011

Fox Fur Coats Made of Halfskins: A Cheap Fur Type But Not A Bad Investment

Fox fur coats can be made of fullskins, halfskins or sections. Halfskin coats can be an economic alternative for those who do not want to spend a fortune while at the same time they do want a high quality, warm and elegant fur garment.

Halfskin fox coats are made of the pelt part that is left, after the dorsal area has been cut out. The latter is used to make fullskin coats. The abdominal area, rear and front legs are sawn in a unique pattern to create a halfskin fox coat. A ready to wear garment will consist of a flat haired area at the top part. The middle part of the coat will consist of a fluffier area and finally the lower part will consist of fluffy and flat triangular areas.
The whole technique results in a product with special attributes:

Less weight and bulk since the abdominal area is not as dense as the dorsal area.

Low cost. Halfskin coats cost four to five times less than a fullskin fox fur coat.

Uniqueness. This technique is well known by furriers in Greece while it is relatively unknown in other parts of the world.

Elegant and fashionable. Modern designers are turning towards sharper shapes. Bulky fox coats, in this case are not very helpful. On the contrary, halfskin fox fur coats are ideal candidates.

Milder climatic conditions. If you want to wear a fox coat during warmer months, then halfskins are ideal for you.

Endurance. Their lifespan is equal to the lifespan of fullskin coats. They will not shed or rip more than a fullskin coat would.

Smooth look. Despite the fact they are not made of fullskins, the technique and craftmanship result in an even and uniform look.

Ecology. The halfskins technique, is using a part of the pelt that otherwise would have been thrown away. Nothing goes waisted.Of course there are some issues that have to be taken into account before buying one:

Availability: Since they are made mainly in Greece, most buyers will have to buy them online and pay the international shipping costs.

Length limitations: the technique that is used to make them, limits the maximum length to 40-42 inches. It is possible to find longer versions, but the final look will be compromised.

Warmth: Fox coats made of halfskins are warm and have a high insulation index. However, a fullskin coat will be more effective in extremely low temperatures.

Dimitrios Zagkountinos is a third generation furrier.

For more info on halfskin fur coats visit
Article Source: [] Fox Fur Coats Made of Halfskins: A Cheap Fur Type But Not A Bad Investment

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